Tuesday, December 23, 2008

UPDATE (really small though...)

Well, I havent updated in a while, haha sorry mom and Rj and Nickssss..
I've been so busy with the term paper and the science powerpoint, i never had much time to write a full post for a blog... but heres whats going on...

Im in a little bit in a spot here. PSP or iPod? Hmmm....
I've been trying to decide for quite some time now. My mom has been bragging about her latest gizmo, and I'm stuck here listening to it while she rubs it in my face. She recently got an iPod Touch and shes going crazy, I think. But lately my whole family has been in the iPod craze. Auntie got an iPod touch, Dad got an iPhone, and of course mommy got a iPod Touch and an excuse to brag at her poor little son who has a broken iPod Video.

Well, mom said she went on friendster (with her ipod), and has been watching youtube on her iPod. no fair mom...

So anyway....

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