Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Stupid Economy...

Well, it seems that America is going down and theres nothing that people can do about it.. Well, they can...

How bout we all just press the restart button at the back of the economic system!

There, problem solved. BUTT (yes, butt)! I know its way harder than that, and we all know theres no "button" behind the economic structure. Yeah, it would be great... But why can we just start this whole thing over again? You know, start the thing from the beginning where nobody owed people stuff (yet) and where the market would take a second chance and stuff? Hmm? Yeah... Its pretty harsh now since they've been laying off people's jobs and stuff. Think about that

America, the Land of the Free! AND THE HOME OF THE (thousands of companies laying-off people and going bankrupt because all they want is more money when everything is better when is free... Like air. If air is free, why isnt everything else...) FREE (Oh I know why, I think its because air is needed thats why its free and everything else that isnt needed is practically expensive and useless)! Yeah...

Well, I don't really understand Economics (even though I'm taking the class for highschool), so this is just a dummy view of the economy.....


RJ said...

LMAO!!! I know right?? why do we have to study economics when we know that it's going down anyway? so damn stupid.. lol (:

Lerie said...

Hey you have some good thoughts there! Hahah...